The University of Central Florida Business Incubation Program, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL - "The UCF Business Incubation Program provides client companies with the experience and insight needed to create successful companies through relationships it has created through its network of experienced entrepreneurs, professional service providers, economic development partners, small business service providers, university experts as well as a dedicated staff." If you are starting a business, or developing a new product, you should absolutely be working with the UCF Business Incubation Program.
Seminole Technology Business Incubation Center, Sandford, FL - "The STBIC is a join venture of Seminole County, Seminole County Port Authority, and Seminole Community College. This joint venture is supported by grants from the National Aeronautical and Space Administration [NASA] and the Technological Research and Development Authority. [The STBIC's] goal is to provide a nurturing environment for technology based companies in the early stages of development."
University of South Florida Tampa Bay Technology Incubator, ampa Bay, FL - "TBTI supports technology research as a catalyst for economic development and advocates the creation and development of facilities for high-technology companies and related support functions."
University of Florida Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Gainesville, FL - "The Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (CEI) was created to teach, coach and inspire students to be entrepreneurial in their lives. The Center provides students the tools and experiences necessary to creatively pursue new opportunities and innovations in the start-up, social, and corporate venture arenas."
Florida Small Business Development Center, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL - "The Small Business Development Center... provides business seminars and free one-on-one counseling for small business owners."
National Entrepreneur Center, Orlando Florida - The NEC hosts an impressive list of 11 different business assistance organizations in one location, offers free one-on-one business coaching, and since its inception has assisted over 100,000 small businesses and helped facilitate over $150,000,00 in loans.
UCF Venture Accelerator, Orlando, FL - The UCF Venture Accelerator or UCF Venture Lab's mission is "to provide early-stage entrepreneurs with access to experienced business coaches that can assist them in the pre-business steps that are critical for the successful launch of technology firms. The UCF Venture Accelerator was formed to provide expertise and guidance to technology entrepreneurs in a variety of areas including business plan creation and investor presentations, intellectual property resources, market research, incorporation and corporate structure, product validation, and funding opportunities.
Executive Development Center, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL - "The EDC was established to provide Executive and Professional Masters Degree Programs, as well as specialized Executive Educational Programs for individuals or organizations."
US Small Business Administration - "The US Small Business Administration (SBA) was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist, and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy of our nation." "Since its founding... the [SBA] has delivered millions of loans, loan guarantees, contracts, counseling sessions and other forms of assistance to small businesses."